[23/10/2015] A 5-day short course “Master Class in Translational Research using Bioinformatics and Epidemiology” is being organized by the Division of Cancer Studies and run by <a href=”https://cancerbioinformatics.co.uk/people/#anita” target=”_blank”>Dr. Anita Grigoriadis</a>, Dr. Mieke Van Hemelrijck, and Professor Lars Holmberg. The course will be held at<a href=”http://www.kcl.ac.uk/campuslife/campuses/guys/Guys.aspx”target=”_blank”> King’s College London’s Guy’s Campus</a> from 16th to 20th November 2015 and will provide the conceptual framework as well as a methodological introduction to the integrated use of epidemiology and bioinformatics approaches in modern translational research. For more information and registration <a href=”https://www.kcl.ac.uk/prospectus/shortcourses/details/name/master-class-in-translational-research-using-bioinformatics-and-epidemiology–obr-november-2015-cbr-/keyword/medicine=”target=”_blank”>click here.</a>
[15/10/2015] <a href=”https://cancerbioinformatics.co.uk/people/#aisyah” target=”_blank”>Aisyah</a> is visiting researchers at the lab of <a href=”http://peroulab.med.unc.edu/” target=”_blank”>Charles Perou</a> at the University of North Carolina until November 14, 2015.
[02/10/2015] <a href=”https://cancerbioinformatics.co.uk/people/#kayleigh” target=”_blank”>Kayleigh Ougham</a> has joined the group as a PhD student. Welcome, Kayleigh!
[01/09/2015] <a href=”https://cancerbioinformatics.co.uk/people/#tom” target=”_blank”>Tom</a> joined the group for a summer project. He set up the Cancer Bioinformatics website.
[29/07/2015] <a href=”https://cancerbioinformatics.co.uk/people/#aisyah” target=”_blank”>Aisyah</a> has been awarded a KCL-UNC Partnership Grant for a one-month research exchange trip to the University of North Carolina.